Julie brings home a small boy who refuses to speak, and, improvising, she names him "Victor" when her nosy neighbor questions her. Helen Goddard goes to her husband's apartment, 30 years after her death her husband initially calls local doctor Julie Han but decides, instead, to jump off a local dam. Simon attempts to find his fiancée, Rowan, unaware that he's been dead six years and she is now engaged to another man. The Winship family is shocked when their daughter Camille, killed in a bus accident four years earlier, returns home unharmed, believing it is the same day as the accident.

What kind of child has never had candy? At that point, it hit me so hard because I had a son that was around that age at the time. And some of the kids never had candy before. That boy was so happy to get that banana. They don’t get the funding to be able to do anything for them.

They’re without toys unless things are donated. They can’t go outside and be in the park. “These are women who can’t afford anything for them. As joy came across the little tyke’s face after he received a banana, Henry couldn’t help but notice his ragged shoes. There was one boy who came in the room where sandwiches and bananas were being passed out. While handing out food one Saturday at Pacific Garden Mission, he had the rare opportunity to visit the floor that housed women and their children. His experience with Hashtag Lunchbag, an organization that feeds the homeless, gave him the inspiration to start his own foundation. When Henry’s not in the shop or traveling to tattoo conventions, he’s volunteering for Hashtag Lunchbag, giving motivational speeches at various schools and donating clothes, food and toys to those in need. “Real talk, I appreciate you man,” Henry said to Hubbard. I’m glad I have my shades on because I’m getting misty-eyed,” he said, turning to Henry and the two hugged.