The IDE of choice for working with gradle projects is IntelliJ IDEA. There is a known bug with importing multi-module gradle projects into Eclipse. Change Eclipse > Window > Preferences > Java > Compiler > Building > Circular dependencies from Error to Warning.Change Eclipse > Window > Preferences > Java > Compiler > Compiler Complience Level to 1.8.Select the Search for nested project checkbox on the Import Projects screen.Open Eclipse and choose File > Import > General > Existing projects into workspace.The above gradle task will automatically generate the BuildConfig.java file.If you want to build from Eclipse, create the Eclipse project files:.

Open the Terminal ( Ctrl+Alt+T on Ubuntu) and access.Go to Releases and download the latest release ( metastone-X_Y_Z_jar.zip).This is a tool meant for advanced players if you just want to play Hearthstone, please play the real game. There won't be any mode to battle against other human players. Please do not request better graphical effects, sounds or anything which makes it feel more like Hearthstone. This is no Hearthstone replacement or clone. MetaStone tries to re-implement all game mechanics and rules from the original game as accurately as possible. There is also support for custom cards, allowing users to implement their own card inventions and testing them within the simulator engine. It strives to be a useful tool for card value analyzation, deck building and performance evaluation. MetaStone is a simulator for the online collectible card game (CCG) Hearthstone® by Activison Blizzard written in Java.